originate mode中文什么意思

发音:   用"originate mode"造句
  • originate:    vt. 1.发起;引起。 2.创办, ...
  • mode:    n. 1.法,样,方法,方式。 2. ...
  • mode originate:    发信状态
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  1. Theoretically speaking , there are many means to lightening primary product ' s market risk , for example , developing agricultural insurance , developing primary product ' s time - bargain , etc . thus according to the chinese present social and economic condition , improving the peasant systematization and developing peasant cooperated economic organization in the circulating field are the appropriate means to resist primary product ' s market risk , in the first part of this dissertation i have defined the concept of primary product ' s market risk , expatiated the premise term and reason which induces primary product ' s market risk , and described its basic character ; then applied statistical method to analyze primary product ' s market risk china is faced with , and indicated that the primary product ' s market risk has become a dominating risk of the agriculture ; following that , on the basis of describing category , originated mode , management style of the peasant cooperated economic organization in the circulating field , i illuminated its problem and offer the countermeasure ; in addition , i attach a case which can demonstrate the function of the peasant economic organization in the circulating field on the aspect of lightening the primary product ' s market risk


  1. originate from 什么意思
  2. originate in (from) 什么意思
  3. originate in or develofrom 什么意思
  4. originate infrom 什么意思
  5. originate loan 什么意思
  6. originate only subscriber 什么意思
  7. originate tonnage 什么意思
  8. originate---to comesintosbeing; start 什么意思
  9. originated 什么意思
  10. originated input 什么意思


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